
Disaster relief communication exercises enable amateur radio operators to check their preparedness for a natural disaster.

Our monthly Alpine Fault Net® on the first Sunday of each month, combined with other special events, are designed to give operators the opportunities needed to improve their setup and hone operating skills.

Both base and field stations within the disaster region and in other regions play important roles in connecting communities until normal communication services are restored.

Disaster Region

Stations located within the disaster region are the gateway between affected communities and the Alpine Fault Net.

Volunteer amateur radio operators use HF radio to connect with other stations on the Alpine Fault Net, and PRS portables to connect with the local community.

Alpine Fault Net field stations are established in RF quiet locations close to the centre of town (school grounds and community parks.)

Every other station participating in the New Zealand wide Alpine Fault Net is focused on the needs of field stations operating from community centres within the disaster region.

Other Regions

Stations located outside the disaster region are the gateway between the Alpine Fault Net and destinations that are reachable using telephone and Internet.

Our volunteers forward messages using BAU (business as usual) communications such as telephone, SMS, and email.

Alpine Fault Net stations located outside the disaster region may also be called upon to relay messages between stations participating on the Net who are unable to hear each other.

What To Do

  • Prepare your base or field HF station. It needs to be running on battery power when checking into the Alpine Fault Net. Disaster relief comms can last weeks and months, not hours and days. You will need solar. It is unlikely you will be able to obtain fuel for a generator.

  • If you have a field station, consider setting up at the local school or park near the community centre. Ask permission where required.

  • Participate in the Alpine Fault Net (see schedule above) by checking in with net control station ZL6EQ. Always use your primary amateur callsign, and NOT a vanity call, club call or AREC callsign.

  • The net commences with check ins from each region. When you hear an invitation to check in for YOUR region, say your callsign only.

  • At the conclusion of check ins, net control station ZL6EQ will commence a roll call.

    When you are called, reply with your callsign, [base / field ] station, location and operator name. Example:


  • Once the roll call has ended, ZL6EQ will announce that the frequency is available for stations to conduct general traffic. This is your opportunity to share with others what your station setup is, and learn what equipment others are using.

  • Your first priority is to ensure the safety of yourself, your family and people nearby. Not your radio!

  • Get your station on air and listen on 7115 KHz LSB for any traffic. If you have a field station, consider setting up at the local school or park near the community centre.

  • If no traffic heard, call Alpine Fault Net. This is a call to any station participating in the net. If nothing heard, try again on 3605 KHz LSB.

  • If still nothing heard, repeat at the top of every hour on both frequencies until you contact another station on the Alpine Fault Net.