Commercial HF Radio

Our land simplex HF frequencies are available for public and private organisations to exercise on a common frequency.

In the event of a natural disaster, changing to our Alpine Fault Net frequency allows organisations to communicate with each other when business as usual (BAU) communications are down.

Approved Equipment

HF transceivers that meet the requirements of AS/NZS 4770 standard for MF/HF Land mobile – SSB (below 30 MHz) may be used on the Alpine Fault Net commercial hf frequencies.

Approved commercial hf transceivers typically available in New Zealand are manufactuered by Barrett Communications and Codan. They have a channel selector to allow the user to select licenced frequencies, and notably, do not have a variable frequency ocillator (VFO) commonly known as a tuning knob.

Transceivers intended for the Amateur Radio Service (with or without modification) are not approved for use on commercial hf frequencies.

The frequencies required are 6782 KHz (day) and 4517 KHz (night).


Prior to transmitting on Alpine Fault Net® [commercial] frequencies, every organisation is required to obtain written authorisation from HF Radio Charitable Trust.

Unlike the Amateur Radio Service where all operators must be certified, users operating HF radios on land simplex frequencies do not require certification.

Application Form

Complete the form below for each HF station requiring authorisation to participate in the Alpine Fault Net® [commercial]

Upon submission, a copy of this application will be sent to you via email. We will review your request within 1 business day and forward an authorisation to use our licensed frequencies, along with information about the Alpine Fault Net® and how to participate.